Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference 2024: FAQs

What is it?

The Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference (#vsvr24) is the largest conference devoted to voluntary and volunteering sector-related research in the UK. Hosted this year by the Centre for Charity Effectiveness at Bayes Business School, VSVR is organised by the Voluntary Sector Studies Network (VSSN), in partnership with the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and Voluntary Action Islington (VAI). It bring together over 100 researchers, practitioners, writers, and policy makers gather to discuss current issue in the voluntary sector in the UK and worldwide, and the latest ground-breaking research.

When is it?

11th and 12th September 2024, starting at about 9am each day. In addition, there is a pre-conference workshop for new (early career) researchers on the 10th September.

Where is it?

The conference takes place at Bayes Business School, City University of London. The address is: 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ. A For travel information see: https://www.bayes.city.ac.uk/about/find-us

Is there a theme?

The theme of the conference is ‘Voice of the people? Democracy, representation and involvement in and through the voluntary sector and volunteering’. We have over sixty papers being delivered, alongside workshops, panel, and plenary sessions. Plenary speakers include:

  • Prof Clare Saunders, University of Exeter
  • Will McCallum, Greenpeace
  • Sarah Elliott, NCVO
  • Polly Neate, Shelter
  • Christine Goodall, HEAR
  • Navinder Kaur, Voluntary Action Islington
  • others to be confirmed.

What’s on the programme?

You can view a draft of the programme here. Please note – this is draft and there are likely to be changes to the ordering of individual papers in the run up to the conference.

What about new researchers?

As ever, our New Researchers Session offers a supportive environment for early careers academics and researchers from within the voluntary sector to present their work and receive detailed feedback. This year we are hosting a pre-conference new researchers’ workshop on the 10th September, with opportunities for new researchers to present their research and to take part in a session on generating policy and practice impact. Details are included in the programme. New researchers can attend the conference at the concessionary rate, which includes attendance at the workshop on the 10th.

Are there any tips for presenters?

Please view the draft programme to see when your session is scheduled. If you have any concerns about the scheduling, please contact the organising committee asap by emailing vsvrconference@gmail.com

If you are presenting an individual paper within one of the parallel paper sessions, in most cases you will have approximately 20 mins to present your paper, with an additional 10 minutes for questions / discussion. Your session chair has the discretion to take questions after each individual paper, or after all the presenters have spoken allowing for a wider discussion. Submitting a full paper in advance is not a requirement, although it is encouraged and all submitted papers will be entered into the best paper prizes (see below for further details). Most speakers prepare PowerPoint (or equivalent) presentations – we have prepared guidance to help ensure that presentations are engaging and accessible. Presentations can be emailed in advance (vsvrconference@gmail.com) to ensure timely set up, or you can use a USB memory stick.

For panel sessions, it is up to the session facilitator to organise and structure the session in the way they see fit, although the usual pattern would be for each presenter to have 15-20 mins to speak, followed by a discussion.

For workshops, again it is up to the facilitator to organise and structure the workshop as they see fit within the time allocated, bearing in mind that workshops should be participatory.

How do you get involved in chairing a session?

If you would like to chair a session that we would love to hear from you! Have a look at the programme, see if there are any sessions that you are interested in which do not currently have a chair allocated, then email us with details – vsvrconference@gmail.com

What else is happening around the conference?

There is a drinks reception at the end of the day on the 11th, during which announcements will be made about the Campbell Adamson best paper prize, Duncan Scott new researchers prize and Voluntary Sector Review best paper prize. There will also be a conference dinner on the 11th.  Throughout the conference, you will have the opportunity to experience a sound scape sculpture produced by researchers at LSE and Brunel Universities based on the voices of voluntary sector workers and volunteers.

Getting to the venue

The Bunhill Row venue is right in the City of London. It is easily accessible by train. The nearest underground stations are Moorgate, Old Street, Barbican, Liverpool Street, or Farringdon – so you can take your pick depending on where you are travelling in from. There are also several bus routes you can use. To find out more visit:


How do I book?

You can book your place at the conference here: https://www.bayes.city.ac.uk/faculties-and-research/centres/cce/events

You can book either to attend one or two days. Both days include refreshments and lunch, with the two day rate including the conference dinner on the first night.

The MEMBER rate is available to individuals and those from organisations who are members of VSSN, NCVO or Voluntary Action Islington. There are also concessionary rates available for members who are retired, unwaged, new researchers, or from small organisations (under £500k annual income).  Others may also be able to access the concessionary rate – see the website for further details: https://www.vssn.org.uk/events/2024-voluntary-sector-and-volunteering-research-conference/

Your conference rate does not include accommodation or travel.

Details of our cancellation policy can be found on the bookings page: https://www.bayes.city.ac.uk/faculties-and-research/centres/cce/events

How do I join VSSN?

Not a member of VSSN? Membership rates start from £35, with reduced events fees and a subscription to Voluntary Sector Review. Details here: https://www.vssn.org.uk/join.

Where should I stay?

There are a number of hotels available within a short distance of the venue, at various price points, including:

Numerous other hotels can be found a tube stop or two away.

Please make yourself aware of any cancellation policies.

What else happens at the conference?

Alongside a range of great papers and stimulating plenary sessions, the conference includes plenty of time for networking and meeting other people. The conference dinner on the first night is included for those booking for both days (available as an option extra for those just coming for one), will cater to all dietary requirements, and is always a great social event. We’ll also have our drinks reception with the annual prize ceremony, including the Campbell Adamson Prize for best conference paper, the Duncan Scott New Researchers Prize for best new researcher paper, and the Best Voluntary Sector Review Article prize. There’ll also be an opportunity to meet the editors of Voluntary Sector Review to discuss publishing your work.

Where is the conference dinner?

The conference dinner will be in the same venue as the conference – Bayes Business School, Bunhill Row. Please let us know about any dietary requirements when booking.

How do I enter the Campbell Adamson Prize for best paper?

If you would like your research paper to be considered for the Campbell Adamson Prize for best paper at the conference, then the deadline for submitting these is Friday 16th August. Papers should be up to 4500 words long including references, and will be judged by a panel consisting of VSSN associates and colleagues from NCVO. Papers will be judged for their insight, quality, and potential use for voluntary sector practitioners. Papers should be emailed as a Word document to vsvrconference@gmail.com.

The prize is £300, sponsored by NCVO.

You do not have to submit a paper to present.

How do I enter the Duncan Scott New Researchers Prize for best new researchers stream paper?

If you would like your research paper to be considered for the Duncan Scott New Researchers Prize for best new researcher paper, then the deadline for submitting these is Friday 16th August. Papers should be up to 4500 words long, including references. Your paper should:

  • set out the purpose and context for the research
  • include a literature review
  • include a methodology section (if applicable)
  • provide analysis of (early) findings if appropriate
  • include full references using a recognised referencing style (e.g. Harvard)

If you have not completed your research data collection or analysis, it is fine to give some idea of any emerging themes or your next steps in the project – they do not have to be fully-formed.  We accept that other researchers may have worked on your research project and so may be listed, but the paper itself must be written by one or more new researchers. Papers should be emailed as a Word document to vsvrconference@gmail.com.

The prize is £100, sponsored by VSSN.

You do not have to submit a paper to present.

What should I do if I have more questions?

Please email vsvrconference@gmail.com